Wild for Frequency
Wild for Frequency explores the human experience through the lens of frequency. Your host, Holly Copeland is an ecologist, mystic, and lover of all things related to sound, frequency, and music. She draws on her expertise as a scientist and lifelong student of spirituality to bring you conversations with thought leaders and experts on how the vibratory nature of the universe operates within our human bodies and shapes every aspect of our world.
Wild for Frequency
Unveiling Earth's Secrets for Personal Healing with Maureen Calamia
Curious about how the energy of the earth plays a role in your life? Join me for an enlightening conversation with author and earth energy healer Maureen Calamia. From the magic of collecting natural offerings to the use of dowsing rods in measuring energy fields, Maureen walks us through simple yet profound practices that deepen our connection with nature. Her experiences with interpreting subtle messages from the earth and engaging with intuitive energies invite listeners to embrace the transformative power of open-heartedness. As we discuss the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds, Maureen's wisdom encourages us to build a respectful relationship with the earth, paving the way for personal and planetary healing. Tune in for a journey that promises to inspire and awaken your connection to the vibrant energies around you.
Connect with Maureen: https://www.luminous-spaces.com/
Connect with Holly:
Website: https://hollycopeland.co
IG: @rewilding.anearthlinglovestory
Healy: https://hollycopeland.co/healy
1:1 Coaching: https://www.hollycopeland.co/innerrewilding
Biofield Tuning: https://www.hollycopeland.co/energy-healing
Hello and welcome to Wild for Frequency, a show where we explore our energetic universe, the frequencies that make up that universe and how we can use frequency in everything that we do to improve our lives. And today we have with us Maureen Kalamia, and she is an author and earth energy healer. My favorite part of this conversation was when we got into earth energy healing and how to build a relationship with the earth, what that means and how each of us can connect with our own land to help heal the earth. It was a really fascinating conversation. She's been in this field for almost 20 years and she had a lot of depth and very practical years. And she had a lot of depth and very practical, simple and beautiful explanations. So I think you're going to love this conversation as much as I did.
Speaker 2:I bring you my conversation with Maureen Calamia, all right, hello everybody, welcome, welcome to Wild for Frequency, and I am so delighted today to have with me Maureen Calamia. I'm really excited for our conversation, maureen, after being on your podcast a few weeks ago and this deep earth nature connection that you and I share, and you have been doing this energetic work for much, much longer than I have and I know you are going to bring so much wisdom to share with our listeners today, so thank you for being on.
Speaker 1:Oh, thank you, Holly. I'm excited to have this conversation.
Speaker 2:Wonderful, wonderful Well, so I would love to start with a little bit of your background. Just give people a feel. For how did you get into this, what was your childhood like and how did you begin studying earth energy, medicine, and then how you you know where that led, to you being an author and writing.
Speaker 1:So I kind of laugh because as a child I didn't really have any profound experiences with nature that much. I had a typical suburban childhood where we had, you know, a quarter acre property and there was a tiny little wooded area across the street that was only wooded still, because it was such an odd shape to build a house. And so, yeah, I mean, yes, I, that I got really into astrology as a young child. I was 12, 11 or 12 when I started learning about that venture into the energetic realm, the energy of the stars and planets and the blueprint that we create when we were born into this world. So that really was like woven into my life at a young age. But then you know, reality hits and you go to college and I went to school for marketing and worked in New York City for many years and Connecticut and worked mostly in marketing services and I loved my job. I loved my work Up until I guess it was one summer I started really delving into my spiritual path and started really a dream practice.
Speaker 1:So I would pay attention to my dreams and I suddenly had a shift within me that I no longer felt excited about my work, which is very important for me. I was feeling drained and I knew that there was something else for me to do, but I had no idea at all. And then, a couple of years later, it took when I discovered feng shui at a bookstore. And then I saw that there was a local school that was teaching it at a beautiful arboretum, which was an amazing experience to be among these gorgeous tree specimens every weekend learning. Well, yeah, one weekend a month learning. So I really delved into this area of energy and looking at it from an Eastern perspective exactly 19 years ago to this month. So that was the beginning of my journey.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 2:I love it and you know, I just I want to point this out for people because this is wild for frequency and somebody who does maybe isn't into astrology may may not necessarily connect astrology to frequency per se.
Speaker 2:Maybe that's not as obvious, maybe it is, but I studied astrology for a few years with a beautiful teacher and I remember seeing this video of the planets going around the earth and connecting the curiosity of the planets, actually that circular motion creates frequency, that each planet has its own frequency, and now I have tuning forks where the tuning forks have frequency. You know specific frequencies, but it was that connection with seeing that circular motion and connecting it with oh right, that means that they're actually making a journey that has a frequency, that you know each journey around the sun and and that I don't know that flip or that switch in my head. Then I got it that just what you said that when we're born we have a blueprint, there's a blueprint frequency, and it's really all of the different positions of all these different planets and, of course, many, many other things I'm sure that we're not even conscious of that creates the symphony or the frequency that we are emitting as our individuals. You see it that way too.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah, it's like the cosmic symphony. You use that word. Right, it's music, it's really music of the spheres and there's, it's all vibration and energy and we're, I feel like when we're following our path truly of purpose and meaning, we're really resonating in with the frequencies of our birth chart and who we're meant to be here, with the frequencies of our birth chart and who were meant to be here.
Speaker 2:Beautiful. I see it exactly the same way when we feel like, oh, that's for me, and our heart feels expanded and warm, what we're actually feeling is the signature of our blueprint, frequency. It's the kind of thing when I feel it and I feel into my mission, it, like it brings me to tears when I really touch into that yes, and that each of us is actually on a journey to know that for ourselves, like for to to tap into our own unique signature and then align our lives such that we're singing that song, we're living from that blueprint as much as possible, like our hearts are aligned to it and it doesn't matter if we're doing the dishes or we're taking out the trash or we're driving a child to school, but our it's like there's a compass guiding our lives. That is that is in the right direction and it's that feeling that, I think, for me, carries me through the day-to-day tasks, but with a sense of alignment and wholeness that makes life feel easy and right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah and joyful.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:You know, it's when we're living more in alignment. And I say more in alignment because, well, we're in alignment. I guess I'm always realizing that I'm tapping into more and more of my calling as I go every day. Right, but when we're living in alignment with our purpose and our blueprint, things come so much we're able to inhabit a greater sense of calm in our lives and just feeling of resonance, like where we belong, we're doing what we're here to do. There's just a tremendous amount of joy in that.
Speaker 2:Completely.
Speaker 1:And we're not able to be thrown off by the little, and we're not able to be thrown off by the little sometimes not so little things that happen during our lives, because we are following our purpose and we can come back to that.
Speaker 2:Totally, totally. And then I think what we do when we're living our purpose is we give permission for other people to live theirs. Like they can see, if you're just living in such deep alignment with your own purpose and at the same time, you're allowing others to live theirs, and they see that and they think, oh, what is that? What is that spark that you've got? And it's like, yeah, I'm just living my life and, by all means, like you do yours. And who am I to say what that is? It's? You know it has nothing to do with me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean we're inspiring others to maybe dip into that and learn more about what their purpose is if they are not feeling that they are following it. So it definitely is important to kind of model that for other people.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm. Yeah, beautiful, yeah, I feel so too. So Feng Shui is also energetic and similar. To describe a little bit about how, then, it fits in with this, with this conversation we're having in your mind.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, you know, I think a lot of people think about feng shui. As you know the art of placement, you know how weird a place your furniture and, and you know maybe how to build a house in a best way. But it's all about this unseen energy or the frequencies of our spaces. And when I was learning about feng shui, I realized how I really resonated with the concept of our homes being a mirror reflection of our lives. So, as a feng shui consultant, when I work with a client and they share with me maybe some of the challenges they're having, and then I look at their home environment to see if there's any metaphor or symbolism that's kind of showing on the outer what's going in on the inner, and then with feng shui we're working at both levels. So we're working on the outer and the inner so we might shift something in there, you know, physically shift something in their space and share with them why we're doing this to allow more chi or energy into their lives, and then hoping that they feel that internally and are more in sync with that energy going forward. So it's just this mirror reflection that really captured my imagination.
Speaker 1:And what's even more, I think, magical, mystical, is the greater land, the earth where we live, and how that is also in the reflection of our lives. So you know, just just a funny little quip here, but you know, you, you look into your romance corner of your property and you know, is there a rotting car? May not be the best symbolism for your relationships, or it may not be the best symbolism for your relationships, or you know it's so. Sometimes it can be a little comical, but you know it's just and how we're relating to. So there, that's the physical, but then there's the whole metaphysical, unseen realm that we're connecting in with our home and our land, and it's it, that part of it, I think, a lot of people dismiss.
Speaker 1:Or aren't even aware of.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think completely they're not, and I certainly this is newish for me to really start to become aware of it. And so everything that you're saying resonates so deeply, and I'll just like tell one tiny story that maybe you might have some insight on. Like I was having this I used to live is not now like a lake or a wetland. Um, and this and I started, strangely enough, so I had mold poisoning about six years ago and dealt with that work through that move to this new place, thought that it was, you know, mold free, perfectly fine, and then I started to get mold symptoms again and I was like what the hell? What is going on? Um, obviously it was not, you know.
Speaker 2:Uh, it was shocking that I had brought that back into my life and from a, you know, from a energetic point of view, I know that things keep recurring if we haven't dealt with them, and so I tried to take that, you know, after the initial shock of why is the universe bringing, what is the universe showing me in this, why is this coming back?
Speaker 2:And one of the I was actually in a medicine ceremony and something that came up, what that this medicine showed me was that the spirits of the land that this condo was in were. It was like a marsh and it was wet and moist and they had plopped houses these you know condos down on them and and land was basically asking to be healed. You know, and so this, that I was experiencing the physical symptoms, a rash on my neck and different things, were all the universe actually pointing me to starting to do land healing work, which was not a connection that I would have ever made without. You know, actually, with this medicine and this work, to think about the history of the land that I was on and how it might be affecting me, you know.
Speaker 1:Wow, that is such a direct connection. I've not had a client before whose home was on a filled-in marsh. The issue with, I guess, our Western ways is we just kind of trample into the land and just throw up buildings and parking lots without any thought at all to the unseen realm, to a concept of respect and honoring. And if there had been some reason that this complex had to be built on this marsh, you know, they just needed to bring somebody in there to do some ceremony, to do some honoring there, and things would have worked out so much better.
Speaker 2:But at least now much better, but at least now that is not what, uh, our western ways uh, really absorb to do that. No, no, yeah, and that, just what you said, was very much the message that I got. You know, as a conservation scientist and coming from a, you know, working for 20 years as an environmental scientist, I, you know, came, I come with this deep one, you know, sense of wanting to help heal the earth and, um, what I'm starting to see is that the things that are showing up in my life personally are a mirror of this new way of working with the earth. You know, whereas before I was working on more of a very western way, like, um, working on conservation, easements and doing land protection, which is good work it the way that indigenous, you know, tribes, for example, would have worked with land that they might need to cut down a tree or or move something, and they would have worked with the land spirits before they just, as you said, just like kind of went in willy nilly and just with no thought whatsoever.
Speaker 2:And I really think that we're on like this next new earth, you know, phase that we're moving into. This teaching for me, for, as a Westerner, is how do I bring in earth healing and earth repair work in the way that that these you know tribes and other, you know this law hit humans have probably had a long history of doing this. You know, our Western, our Western knowledge is actually quite short, you know, our period is quite short and we're we're so ignorant, I think, of all of these unseen realms and how we might work with them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely and and I think you know you're you mentioned the new earth. I mean, I think there's many of us that are seeing the earth and her consciousness is evolving right along with humanity, at a breakneck speed. We're really pushing into the fifth dimension, where our consciousness is rising, for many of us, becoming more in tune with the needs of the planet and working with the needs of the planet and working with the earth, I think can be so simple. It doesn't have to be years and years of training and complex ceremonies that we have to do. I think it's uh, it gets down to really opening our hearts and and sharing our gratitude and being respectful, just like any relationship. I mean, we want respect from any relationship we have and we have to remember that the earth is this consciousness that wants to be in relationship with us. It really does, and if we can just be open to that, I think we have so many wonderful experiences that are waiting for us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, beautiful. I so agree with you. You know I'm present right now, as we sit here, there are these massive fires in in la happening and I think about what you know, what is the earth saying? You know this because I, I think everything is think, everything is a everything's a message, everything is a sign. It's sure the indigenous, you know tribes, the shamans that I work with, certainly reflect that knowledge and, as painful as it is, it I can't I think that is a really important aspect of this work is to actually ask what's, what's she saying here to us?
Speaker 1:I think, um, I know, personally I've had a few experiences, one being an actual experience out with a tree and one being a dream being a dream. And so I I approached a tree up upstate New York, in the Adirondacks, which I absolutely love it's it's a pine forest and I just step into the, the woods there, the forest, and just the scent of pine just really bring brings me down a few notches and relaxed. But I approached this pine tree and I did my typical kind of permission. You know, I'd like to connect and I just put my hands out, just like to put my hands out a few inches from the tree trunk, and I'm standing there and I usually, you know, don't receive anything, maybe just a little tingling and just feeling loved and accepted, which is wonderful.
Speaker 1:But this time I was actually slapped in the head and I fell backwards. I didn't fall, but I like this, and my husband was next to me, he saw the whole thing. So I know I'm not going crazy, but it was like this right in my third eye and it was this image of an eye and it was shocking and it wasn't. The message I got was wake up, wake up, get on the path I mean I had been on this path of healing, but it was a clear message to me personally to do more and to connect more and also, I think, humanity to wake up. And then I had a dream. I guess it was probably about a year ago and it was a butterfly at a front door banging on the front door.
Speaker 1:Now a butterfly banging on the door as if it were like boom, boom, boom, and it's wake up, wake up, wake up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, wow.
Speaker 1:Now. This is urgent, this is. This is our new worth, and we need to. We all need to step forward. Who's being called to do it? We're not all being called to do energy work. It's just not going to happen. But for those of us who have signed on to do this in this lifetime, now's the time. No holding back, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, wow, powerful, powerful messages. That's incredible. Thank you for sharing Um. So what do you um? Just tell us a little bit about how you work with energy now. Like, how do you you lead um trainings and groups to to do earth healing? Tell me, tell us a little bit about your work in this way.
Speaker 1:Yes, so I was doing my. My earth energy healing work has shifted a lot and I think anyone who does energy healing, you learn and then you constantly learn along the path. So it's constantly being improved, I think, but also moving with this fast paced evolutionary process that we're working through. So I'm open to whatever I'm getting that needs to be done now, but probably back in about 2017, I think I started teaching professional certification online. I call it divining the earth feminine and in that I'm always sharing new information, I'm being guided, and I've been doing energy work for probably about well, earth energy healing for about 16 years, and that's evolved from always doing on-site work and I would actually walk around with dowsing rods and pendulum, which I still use. Those are tools that I always use, as well as intuition, tapping in and kind of channeling whatever energy is coming through. But probably about 2015, I started doing map dowsing.
Speaker 1:So, it's remote work and it works on a floor plan or a map, property survey, survey or even larger map, and the idea is of doing exactly the same thing but doing it remotely, and that work has been really very soul satisfying. I'm able to work with people all over the world and it's just incredible the types of projects that come to me and I love how you brought up the history of the land, because I've had evolved to realizing what happened before that house was there, what happened 100, 200 years ago, and if that information is at all possible to locate, it's really really great. I've had clients that have had Native American battles not far from their home, which impacts their land, battles not far from their home, which impacts their land, quarries where they dynamite mountain sides. That's really really heavy, hard energy to work with and just all sorts of things that historically have happened on the land. I've had Native American burial sites that were actually moved and put into land that you know because of construction burial sites had been moved and now it's on someone else's property usually developments, condos, co-ops, that type of thing and it's just really incredible the work that I've helped clients heal and one of the really important pieces of doing this work is not that I'm not healing it.
Speaker 1:I'm working with my client to create space, to open up for them to be part of the process, to give their honor and respect to the land and to provide offerings to the land and to start to open up a relationship if they don't already have one with the land. So whenever I work with my clients, I suggest to them do ongoing offerings. You know, maybe do it at the, you know moon cycles or the equinox solstice, or you know what, do it whenever you think about it. If you think about it, it's probably time to do it. So I say and give whatever offerings come to you. Yeah, what?
Speaker 2:kind of offerings do you, do you recommend for your clients? I do some offerings to my land I give. Roses are my favorite one.
Speaker 1:Oh, flowers, that's beautiful, Really beautiful. I usually, when I work with my clients, I give them an idea of what types of things to collect and I always suggest they go out into nature and look for them. So I like to collect things that are just found in nature, like rock, a bird, feather, a twig. Some natural water is really nice.
Speaker 1:I actually had a client in California and she was in the I forget what the area is, but it's outside of LA and it's very vertical right, so it's very valley kind of like that valley and hill area. So when I asked her to get some natural water, she said that's going to be a bit of a challenge, Let me see. So she happened to ask a group of friends and they were like oh yeah, there's a spring, you know, a few miles away, and they told her how to get there. So you know, the idea is that they're taking this mindful walk in nature with an intention to find offerings for nature. So it's like whatever they see as they're walking along. So she went and she collected a few things and then she came home and then she realized she forgot to get water, so she had to go back. But she said it was just a beautiful experience to encounter this little wooded area, these trails that you never even knew were there. So she really had a wonderful experience just collecting the offerings and it was really, really magical.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, Beautiful. I love that. Really magical, yeah, yeah, yeah, Beautiful. I love that, Cher.
Speaker 2:Just I mean what you're saying about offerings and this feels like very practical for people listening like this is really practical practice, right, If you want to begin to have a relationship with the energy of the land, one way to do that is to start to bring offerings to the land. And one way to do that is to start to bring offerings to the land, which is not like again, for me. That is not something I grew up with, or I had a sweet little Buddha statue that I picked up a few years ago and, um, put it under the tree and then, you know, put a few crystals, put a few feathers, just start now, bring flowers there, and you know it. Um, it can seem foreign at first.
Speaker 2:I think this is what I want to like. Just say, from the perspective of somebody who's doing this now, who didn't like like it takes a leap of faith that there are these unseen forces, that it's really real that we don't we don't like this idea that the tree in the forest would actually, you know, receive our offering. May feel silly at first or strange, but what I have found is that the more I do it and have faith, it cultivates a kind of trust and faith that and just keep having faith and just keep letting the practice show you, then magic will result.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean just getting back to the frequencies of nature and the energy fields. Something else that I do I mentioned before was dowsing. So dowsing originally started to help people find water underground for wells. It's been around for thousands, a few thousand years at least, and they're like, they're L rods. They're shaped like an L and you walk across the land, or, like I said, I do it a lot.
Speaker 1:I do it all on maps now, but when using these dowsing rods and I teach classes, you know, in person to do this it's really fascinating. We can use these dowsing rods to measure the energy field of these trees and, you know, you just kind of like walk to the tree and you say, show me the edge of the energy field, and then the rods open and it's. It's so simple but yet so profound, and I've had so many people just they're like, wow, and we can do it on each other too. I actually start with that because you can see how the energy shifts like this. So I have, you know, two people get up and try each other and then I say, okay, now think of something that makes you so happy, so excited, and do it again, and the energy field is like double.
Speaker 2:Amazing.
Speaker 1:Of course it's not surprising. We know this is happening. But to visually see it it's just, it's remarkable. And then if you take that to a tree and you just measure the energy field, then go and talk to the tree and say how much you appreciate this beautiful oak you know in your yard and of course this tree already knows you. You're honoring it through your offerings and your Buddha and your time there. But you know, just to have this like heartfelt, brief love conversation with the tree and then measure it again, yeah.
Speaker 1:I guarantee you it'll be that much bigger.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:Because they're beings too. There's consciousness right. Eastern philosophy, eastern ways, teaches us that there's consciousness in every single thing. Even my cell phone has an energy field and some form of consciousness, because it's made out of everything that we're made out of.
Speaker 2:Right, right, right, oh, I love that. Now I want to doubt. I want to learn to doubt. Right, right, oh, I love that. Now I want to doubt. I want to learn to douse.
Speaker 1:Very simple to do. Just get a wire coat hanger, a full wire coat hanger, and then cut, you know, the little hook off and then cut in between and then just straighten them out. You've got two dowsing rods, okay, and I like to have like a straw cut in half.
Speaker 1:So, you've got like a sleeve to hold on to and just get used to like walking with them a little and you try them out. It's so simple to do and I teach like a one hour class and people are walking around with their dowsing rods and measuring things by the end of the class. So amazing, oh my gosh, I things by the end of the class.
Speaker 2:Amazing. Oh my gosh, I want to sign up for your class. Is it online or is it in person?
Speaker 1:You know I teach it in person, but I could certainly teach one on Zoom. Why not? Why?
Speaker 2:not Okay. Maybe I would love if you did that, or we could host something together or something, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, that'd be fun, amazing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean this. You know what I was thinking of as you were describing the dowsing is my. My analog to that was working with tuning forks, because I started working with tuning forks and coming into people's energy fields with tuning forks. Because I started working with tuning forks and coming into people's energy fields with tuning forks and feeling that when I came into an energy field tuning forks, I could feel where there were dissonance or you know, um, like heaviness in the field, uh, and I can, and then I can feel it shift and so and that was such an aha for me, because it's like these energy fields that are invisible come alive and become, quote-unquote, real for us. Yes, and that's, you know, my scientific mind and you know the fact that there's a tool and an instrument that you can measure.
Speaker 1:Um is just, it's really powerful yeah, and even though I'm not from a scientific background, I do have a very strong need to see, to do, to, you know, research and you know give me the data type of mindset and it's taken quite a bit of relaxing that for me to really do the work I do.
Speaker 2:But I still have that, you know I, and really feel in the intuitive way and let the this unseen energetic universe come alive through intuitive knowing.
Speaker 1:And yeah, because it's the. The trick is that it's so subtle right, yeah. That's why we have to slow down and be still, because we'll look, we'll miss it.
Speaker 2:You totally miss it If you. Yeah, yeah, there's training. It takes some practice it's a real practice in my experience to get out of the way and feel these subtle energies and these intuitive knowings and yeah.
Speaker 1:Except if you get smacked in the head.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when the universe does those not so subtle things which it's sometimes.
Speaker 1:But sometimes we need that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. And I love when those happen Like thank you, hit me over the head please. That's crazy. So what did it? Literally just feel like a hit over the head.
Speaker 1:I felt that smack like hard. I mean, like I said, I was standing there, I had my two feet, like you know, positions like you do in martial arts, so I was not just easily.
Speaker 2:But um, yeah, my husband saw it, so I know I'm not completely crazy, he. So where do you see the? As we're sort of having this conversation about the new earth and working with the land, where do you see this going Like what, what? What are you, what are you seeing happening here?
Speaker 1:Well, thank you for asking me that, because that's kind of what I've been asking for the past couple of years. I feel like things are shifting for me. Like I said, I'm always learning, I'm always feeling into my path and my calling, and for the last few years I've been focusing on stories. And for the last few years I've been focusing on stories like when I interviewed you for my podcast our stories that connect us to the natural world and opening up those subtle senses, our senses in a, so that we can be more fine tuned to the subtleness of the messages that we're receiving and developing that relationship with the earth and her, our kin right stories of experiences, I think is kind of a gateway for me, a portal to understanding how open heartedness plays such a key role to our experiences and to our listening and to our relationship, and so I'm kind of wondering if I'm going to be doing some kind of research into open heartedness. I'm not quite sure yet, but there you go. Yeah, I need heart data.
Speaker 2:Mm, hmm. Well, it makes me think of the work of HeartMath, and you know the work that they're doing to show that, to show that I don't know if you've looked at their global consciousness project, but they've got listening stations all over the planet and they are showing that. You know that human events can affect, you know the consciousness. So they're showing, like, where is there more coherence in the global field and where is there more dissonance in the global field? Coherence in the global field and where is there a more dissonance?
Speaker 1:in the global field, locationally and across time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can go online and see a map of coherence, you know that a real time map of coherence.
Speaker 1:It's incredible, yes, and and it is that that word, coherence, is just. I love that word. And how can we?
Speaker 2:I love that word. And how can we, you know, become more coherent and I know this gets into your work too how we can feel that greater coherence and open heartedness within us? So, yeah, there's, there's a lot more to explore. I think so much and I think what you know, this open heartedness you know it goes back to me of the heart, is the portal, like the heart is the hub of our coherent selves. And then that brings me back to our, where we started this conversation with the blueprint and with coming back to our blueprint frequency and our heart knowing and lining our lives with that. And when we do that, we come into interpersonal coherence and then we magnetize that in the fields around us and help others to come into there, something like that.
Speaker 1:Something like that. I love it. I love magnetize Absolutely.
Speaker 2:You know, yeah, yeah, yeah. And and then this relation, this interesting piece is this relationship to the earth in our lives, in our land where we live, and in our homes, and how we bring more coherence in all of those spaces. You know, I think, which is the work you do so beautifully, because you're showing how you do it in your home or how you do it on your land, you know, really teaching people how they can. You know, the inner reflects the outer, the outer reflects the inner. We mirror it back. But if we want to have a relationship with land in our homes, we need to start to see that there's a relationship even happening, which I know for my own self, I'll say I didn't really realize that's what was going on, especially until this, like this mold, you know, home situation was happening.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Beautiful.
Speaker 2:Do you work with lay lines in the house, Like when you're working with people's homes? Are you tapping into the lay, the lay lines? I worked with an energy specialist actually to map my home and give me ley lines for the house and I was surprised there was minor lines going through. You do that kind of work.
Speaker 1:Yes, so, yeah, so there's something called black line streams, which is underwater streams that are everywhere under the earth. But black line streams means that the water got corrupted in a frequency way by activities, man-made or man-perpetrated that's it activities like blasting mines or just tearing down trees to put up a house, which is typical, so you know, even like major conflicts, you know battles, of course. So underwater gets corrupt.
Speaker 1:Global grid lines, which there's a number of them the Hartman, the Schneider, the Curry lines, and I'm sure there's even more um than what people call ley lines and the the term ley lines is used in a lot of different ways, um, and so they're, uh, from from what I understand, they're kind of man-made connecting power spots in the land, which are more vortices, like a vortex of energy. So these ley lines are connecting in with these power spots, are connecting in with these power spots, and yeah, and there's others I'm not even thinking of, but yeah, so there's a lot of different lines. Some can be beneficial to humanity, some can be detrimental, and so when we call them negative or geopathic stress, we're talking from the vantage point of humanity and some animals too. Most animals would be in detrimental, they have the same impact as us. But then you've got bees and insects and cats who love geopathic stress.
Speaker 2:Really, yes, fascinating. Tell us more.
Speaker 1:So bees love creating their hives on geopathic stress. It helps them produce more Insects. If you see like anthills in a row, they're usually along the geopathic stress line. Of course, wasps, all sorts of insects, they're fine with it, they're great with it, they thrive.
Speaker 2:My guess would be that they're providing some role in harmonizing that.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I haven't really gotten into it, but, like I said, the positive and negative is really just from our vantage point. But positive and negative is required on this planet because you have growth and you have decay and, yes, we don't want to live in an area that has a lot of decay type energy, because we want to thrive and grow. So, yes, so there's something to do with these insects and I don't know why cats, but they love, they thrive on negative energy lines. Awesome, yeah, and and so this you know there's this energy all over the planet and we can help clear it for a time, but it'll kind of creep back. If you know, those negative activities keep happening there. So, um, but you know, that's why I'm always suggesting regular offerings to my clients, to kind of like what is most important, um, in terms of starting to open up to these unseen energies and the land and the earth.
Speaker 2:Um, where where do people start? You know, if they're new to this, this and they're interested in beginning this relationship.
Speaker 1:I would highly recommend spending some time outside alone, in stillness, a place that you feel safe and comfortable to do that, and just sit and just notice, notice the wildlife around you, notice, notice the wildlife around you, notice the weather, the sun, sounds from nature, really allowing yourself to like, open your senses to the natural world and, if you feel comfortable, maybe just start having a little conversation in your head with a beautiful tree, if that catches your eye, or maybe it's a squirrel that's running around, or a bird, or the sun, whatever kind of being of nature that you feel drawn to. And that's a start. Just make it simple, simple, simple, simple.
Speaker 2:Beautiful, beautiful. I love that. I started a practice of going outside and doing part of my morning meditations under the trees and, when I can, when it's not raining or the weather is good, and yeah, it's a powerful practice to just begin to connect. I love simplicity, so I love your suggestion to just begin to open up and sit and listen, maybe start a conversation with a tree or a squirrel or whatever. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I always like to just be simple.
Speaker 2:Me too.
Speaker 1:Because that's all it needs to be.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the thing, right? I mean, what I'm hearing from you and this is maybe my last question is just, you know, this healing work doesn't have to be complicated, right? I mean, what I was told for the wetland was just to make an offering and do a little prayer, and I was like, well, I felt like, did I have to do this complicated thing? And the person that advised me said, no, just do your own offering and prayer whatever feels authentic to you. Yes, is it that simple, beautiful advice?
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly that's all we need to do, and and the earth is asking us to start doing that right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, right, start doing that right now. So anybody who lives, who's listening to this, who lives on a home you know that land used to be something else. It probably didn't have homes on it. Maybe no one's ever asked the forest for permission to build a home there and for forgiveness for any harm that was done, and it feels like you could just go and say you know I'm here, thank you. I don't know. I don't know if you need to say you know, ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is always a good one.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, I think so, and and gratitude.
Speaker 2:Gratitude, yeah, and, and then and then. Just like so simple. But imagine if everyone you know did that across the planet just for the home, the very home they lived in. They didn't have to go save the world out there. You don't have to go solve all the world's problems, just start where you are and giving thanks.
Speaker 1:They always say just start in your backyard. And this is literally starting your backyard. Stop and smell the roses when you are backyard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, and it sounds so simple, but I really think that what you're saying and what I've been shown listen to is that's, that's actually what's needed, that's what's being asked of. Yeah, cool, cool, ah, I just so appreciate this work that you're doing and thank you. Thank you for helping people begin to have a relationship with the earth and their homes and do this energy work. It's so, so important. So I'm just really grateful to you for for showing up and doing this important work and then sharing it with us here today.
Speaker 1:Oh well, thank you so much, Holly. It's been such a pleasure, and thank you for doing this too, what your what your calling is.
Speaker 2:Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you, listeners, for tuning in and for joining us on this conversation. I hope that you have taken away something that you can go implement in your life today that will bring you in a closer relationship with the earth, which, when we do, because everything is us we're really inviting a closer relationship with ourselves. Which is the miracle of all of this is that you know, yeah, that we see the world as we we are, not as it is, and so we're strengthening our own sense of gratitude and appreciation for who we are, and so it's like the reciprocity continues. It's such a blessing all the way through, yeah. So thank you, thank you, and we will see you again, hopefully soon. All right, goodbye.
Speaker 2:Thank you all so much for tuning in. The greatest way you bring more of what you love into the world is to share what inspires you with others. If you loved this episode, please share it and leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform so others can find it too. Finally, this podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional if you think you have a medical condition. The views expressed in this podcast are solely my own and those of my guests and do not necessarily reflect or represent the official policy or position of any agency, company or product mentioned here. Listener, discretion is advised. Goodbye for now, beautiful earthling. Take good care, I will see you soon.